5 Tips to Help You Save Money on Web Hosting


When one starts with their first blog or takes their business online, they usually have a limited budget. Price is always a factor when you choose a domain name or web hosting for your website and saving a few bucks is always a welcome call. However, it is important to understand that one should not compromise on the performance front as it might lead to failure for the whole purpose of your website. Here we would list the 5 most important tips that will help you save money on web hosting without downgrading the site performance.

  1.     Buy a hosting plan for a longer time period: Most providers give a discount to the customers for their first payment and then the renewal is done at a regular price. However, if the hosting is bought for a longer period of time, say 3 years, you may end up getting a good bargain. The only downside is if you require to change the hosting in between you may lose your money if they do not have a money-back policy. This could be avoided by doing thorough research about the provider and having an in-depth analysis of your requirements before taking the plunge.
  2.     Avoid unnecessary services: A hosting plan usually comes pre-integrated with many features which are chargeable such as backups, SSL certificates, SEO and server monitoring. Although these are an important addition, one can surely do away with few services that are not required for their website. Dropping a service or two can help you save some money.
  3.     Get a free domain with hosting: Many providers give free domain options with their hosting plans. This could save money if you decide to keep the domain registrar, the same as your hosting provider. Also, migrating your domain to another domain registrar is an easy process which can be done later on if required.
  4.     Affiliate Links or coupon codes: Purchasing your hosting through someone’s affiliate link can give you discounts. Many social media influencers promote the product through their affiliate link, which can be utilized to save some extra money. Also, there are plenty of websites which offer free coupons to their users which can be applied during checkout to get a bonus deal. On the contrary, you may also become an affiliate for their product in return of good commission to make up for the cost.
  5.   Go for Cloud Hosting: This may come as a surprise to many, but Cloud Hosting is a cost-effective hosting solution for your website. You can scale up resources in sync with your website requirement. The scalability also makes Cloud Hosting cost-efficient as you can buy a basic plan and scale up the resources as and when required. This is especially beneficial for small and medium enterprises or an e-commerce website. So, on paper, Cloud Hosting may seem to be pricey, but it may end up being a good saving mechanism in the long run.


These are our top 5 smart tips that can help you save money on your hosting without having to compromise on the performance front. Cloud Hosting can be your best bet if you are looking for a cost-effective way to expand your business presence online.