3 Easy Ways to Organize Your Garage Workspace


Whether you rent or own your home, extra space for projects is always essential. If you are lucky to have a garage, you know that the extra square footage is valuable for more than just storing vehicles. A garage serves as the base of operations for do-it-yourself construction, lawn and property maintenance, home improvement projects, and more. With a few inexpensive adjustments, your garage will be a flexible and inviting space for all the projects on your to-do list

Make Your Storage Movable

One day your workspace might be only as big as your bench, and the next day you might need room to spread out tools for a large vehicle project. When furniture and storage items in your garage are movable, the space is flexible for projects of any scale. Add swivel casters with lock to cabinets, shelving units, tool benches, and even heavy storage bins so that you can rearrange your garage as often as necessary. You will be able to move your tools, supplies, and storage into the ideal arrangement for any project. If you cannot put the furniture on wheels, keep those items in the back of the garage or in another space you do not use as often. Another advantage of movable furniture is that you can choose to wheel out your tools on a sunny day for outdoor projects.

Plan Your Lighting

Sometimes lighting is part of the garage’s original construction, but there are always ways to make improvements. Bright lighting will make a garage workspace both inviting and conducive to working on detailed projects. Experts recommend using cool lighting for energy efficiency. This is an important consideration if you are budget conscious. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for LED lighting that will brighten your space and keep your bills low.

Invest in Shelving

Yes, you have horizontal square footage—but you also have room to stack your items vertically if you purchase durable shelving for your garage. Install metal shelving for heavier items in spaces where you will not have to move this furniture often, as not all large storage furniture will be movable. Keep the equipment you will use often on the lower shelves for easy access, and stack long-term storage up high. Go the extra mile to list the equipment that you’ve stored in an easy-to-reference document. Lists are a huge time-saver when you can’t remember where you stored a specific tool you need.

From vehicle maintenance to workbench construction, your garage should be a safe and productive workspace for any projects you dream up. It might seem time-consuming to organize your garage, but the time you invest in developing systems to make your workspace easy to use is always time well-spent.